Undergraduate Scholarship Resources
Tuition and Fees: https://students.asu.edu/tuitionandbilling
Financial Aid: https://students.asu.edu/financialaid
Scholarships: https://scholarships.asu.edu/
Student Employment: https://students.asu.edu/employment/search
Career Services: https://asu.edu/career
Undergraduate Scholarships
Current and former scholarship recipients can be found on the Awards and Accolades page.
Ravi DeFilippo Geology Field Camp Scholarship
The Ravi DeFilippo Geology Field Camp Scholarship is an award for School of Earth and Space Exploration students taking Field Geology II (GLG452). It is named after our friend and alumnus, Ravi DeFilippo, who died in a mining accident in 2010. This award is made possible by gifts from Ravi’s family and friends to honor his memory and his love of field geology. Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the application form (PDF).
Robert S. Dietz Field Camp Scholarships
For many years, the Robert S. Dietz Field Camp Scholarships were funded by Professor Robert S. Dietz using his own personal resources. Now, the school carries on this tradition in his memory awarding scholarships to support students who are majoring in geology. These students must complete field camp in order to complete their degree. The school awards scholarships to multiple students who are enrolled in the field geology courses to help pay the required fees for the courses. Awarding of these scholarships will be based on financial need and on academic ability as demonstrated by previous course work in geology. Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the application form (PDF).
Ronald Greeley Planetary Science Scholarship for undergraduate students
The Ronald Greeley Planetary Science Scholarship is supported by an endowment in the ASU Foundation established by Cynthia (Cindy) Greeley in honor of her late husband, Regents’ Professor Ronald Greeley, a recognized founder of the field of modern-day planetary geology, and a respected and beloved member of the School of Earth and Space Exploration community. Many of Ron's colleagues, friends, and family members have made donations to build the endowment. This scholarship is open to Arizona and non-Arizona residents, involves an undergraduate research project with a faculty member and is renewable if recipients meet the criteria of eligibility. This scholarship is awarded in the fall semester following the call for applications in the earlier spring semester, thus graduating seniors are not eligible for this award. Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the application form (PDF).
Richard W. Oldham Geology Field Camp Scholarship
The Richard W. Oldham Geology Field Camp Scholarship is an award for School of Earth and Space Exploration students taking Field Geology courses broadly defined (Field Geology I, II, and Advanced Field Geology). It is named after our alumnus, Richard W. Oldham, who received a B.S. degree in Geology from ASU in 1979. Geology Field Camp was a defining experience for Rick, one that paved the way toward a successful career in geology and also a determination to enhance his education by attending graduate school. Rick was a "boots in the field" type of geologist. An avid outdoorsman with a strong desire to unravel the geological story through hands-on field experience, Rick's deep appreciation of the Earth's natural history ultimately led to a richer life experience for him, both professionally and personally. This gift is intended to provide financial support for eligible undergraduate students with the hope that deserving students will go on to complete their ASU undergraduate Geology degree, attend graduate school, and enjoy a successful and satisfying career. "Ultimately, this goal is to enable them to aspire to and achieve a fulfilling life like the one I have experienced thanks to ASU." Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the application form (PDF).
Karin Valentine Science Communication Award
Karin was the daughter of Kristin Valentine, emerita faculty member in ASU’s Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, and the late Gene Valentine, professor emeritus and a charter member of the ASU Emeritus College, and wife to School of Communication Professor, Anthony Roberto.
The Karin Valentine Science Communication Award recognizes undergraduate or graduate students in the School of Earth and Space Exploration who demonstrate a passion and ability for science communication. The award will honor the recipient’s efforts in communicating about the Earth and space sciences to a broad audience in an impactful way.
Those eligible to receive the award must provide a portfolio of their work representing their recent science communication efforts in one or more of the areas of the Earth and space sciences to the general public. Examples may include individual work such as a science article, blog, video, or other documented activity promoting popular communication and making science more understandable and accessible to the general public.
Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the Google application form.
First Generation Scholarships
First-generation college students enrolled in undergraduate degree programs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may apply for over $40,000 in scholarships. First generation scholarship applications are available each spring and scholarships are awarded and distributed for the fall and spring semesters. There are several different scholarships with varied application criteria. Only one application is required for all scholarships. Students will be considered for all scholarships for which they are eligible.
Geosciences Alumni Scholarship
The Geosciences Alumni Scholarship (GAS) is an annual scholarship based on the contributions of ASU Geoscience alumni and friends of the geological science. This scholarship is intended for junior or senior undergraduate students and first or second year graduate students majoring in the geosciences.
The LAUNCH Program
The Learning Advancement to Unlock Nature's Cosmic Horizons (LAUNCH) program provides undergraduates entering degrees in Earth and Space Exploration with opportunities for extra training & mentorship. The program is funded by TEAM-UP Together, a non-profit organization dedicated to breaking down systemic barriers so Black physics and astronomy undergraduates can thrive.
About the Program
The program will start on May 12, 2025. LAUNCH scholars will take summer classes to boost their preparation for Earth and Space Exploration Degrees, with free tutoring and a $2,000 stipend provided by the program. Scholars will be paired with near-peer and faculty mentors chosen to best support their background and scientific interests. All LAUNCH scholars will participate in the National Society of Black Physicists / National Society of Hispanic Physicists (NSBP - NSHP) Joint Conference, which will take place in November, 2025.
Eligibility Requirements
Incoming students entering any concentration in Earth and Space Exploration are encouraged to apply. Requirements for the program are having the ability to take one or more courses in person or remotely during Summer 2025, meeting regularly with near-peer and faculty mentors, maintaining a 3.0 GPA, and attending the NSBP - NSHP Joint Conference. Students must apply by March 31, 2025.
Students who wish to be considered for a scholarship should complete the Google application form.
LEAP Scholars Program
The LEAP Scholars Program provides transfer students the opportunity to conduct research with scientists at ASU. As a transfer student enrolled in the LEAP Scholars Program, you will learn how to maximize your scientific research experience. The LEAP Scholars Program is a four-semester-long program for incoming, community college transfer students. LEAP scholars will learn about undergraduate research, conduct research in an ASU faculty member’s lab, mentor incoming LEAP scholars, and present research to the scientific community. By participating in the program, LEAP scholars receive a $3,000 scholarship per semester for a maximum of four semesters, which is intended to alleviate the need to work while going to school so that you can focus on your research. For more information about the program or applying please visit: https://sols.asu.edu/research-scholarship-transfer-students or contact Katelyn.Cooper@asu.edu.
NASA Space Grant Program
Space Grant supports graduate and undergraduate students in a variety of disciplines to further their educational experiences in science, engineering research, and informal education programs.
The Nininger Meteorite Award
The Nininger Meteorite Award was established in 1965 through a gift from Dr. H.H. Nininger and his wife, Addie. Dr. Nininger is the individual from who ASU purchased the meteorites that make up the core collection in School of Earth and Space Exploration's Center for Meteorite Studies. The award was established to promote the study of meteoritics among young scientists (undergraduates and/or graduate students can apply). Applicants submit papers which are reviewed by an international panel of planetary scientists.
Student Emergency Fund
Visit the Student Emergency Fund website for students who encounter critical financial situations.
Undergraduate Study Abroad Scholarship
The College Alumni International Scholarship for Study and Travel Abroad