BS in Earth & Space Exploration (basic)
BS in Earth & Space Exploration (Astrobiology & Biogeosciences)
BS in Earth & Space Exploration (Astrophysics)
BS in Earth & Space Exploration (Geological Sciences)
BS in Earth & Space Exploration (Exploration System Design)
BS in Astronomical and Planetary Sciences - online
BA in Earth & Environmental Studies
Individualized Instruction Contract
Click the button above and follow the instructions on the form to request to earn course credit for undergraduate research with a School of Earth and Space faculty member. Completed forms should be emailed to
If you are going into your last year with SESE and are hoping to go to graduate school, a thesis is a great opportunity for you to get some useful experience to add to your graduate application!
The SESE Senior Thesis options include:
General SESE Senior/Barrett Thesis:
This option is available to all SESE immersion and online majors who are interested in completing a Senior Thesis, or Barrett Thesis for Barrett students, in addition to all their regular degree requirements. This opportunity is available to the following majors: Astronomical and Planetary Sciences, Earth and Environmental Sciences, and all Earth and Space Exploration majors/concentrations.
ESE Senior or Barrett Thesis in Lieu of the Capstone:
This option is available to students with a minimum of a 3.25 GPA and are in the following majors: ESE (no concentration), ESE (Astrophysics), ESE (Astrobiology/Biogeosciences) and ESE (Geo Sci) who are interested in completing a Senior or Barrett Thesis as a substitute for the regular capstone experience in their major. The thesis courses will satisfy SES 410/411 for ESE no concentration, Astrophysics, and Astrobiology/Biogeosciences majors and GLG 452 for ESE Geo Sci majors.
- The deadline for this application is 11:59PM on March 1. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.
- You must identify and receive approval from a faculty advisor before submitting your application and they must fill out the appropriate items according to the checklist on the application form.
- You must upload your complete application as a single PDF to the following Dropbox site: using the naming convention LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.
Procedure guide Important details about the options, processes, and requirements
Application form Application instructions and submission form
Enrollment Change Request (ECR)
Used to make registration requests after the deadline posted on the university Academic Calendar. Late add or course swap requests must include instructor permission for the course that a student is requesting to add. A completed ECR form and written permission from the instructor should be submitted by email to the SESE Academic Programs Office at
Used when a student cannot enroll in class due to a prerequisite issue, instructor/department consent hold, time-conflict issue, or the course is full. Documentation of instructor permission for the override must be included.
IMPORTANT NOTE: SESE can only approve override requests for courses with an AST, GLG, or SES prefix. We are unable to approve overrides for any related-area math or science courses, even if they are required for your SESE major. Override requests for other subjects and prefixes must be submitted directly to the department/school offering the course.
Typically, students are allowed to take up to 18 credits per fall/spring semester (9 per A/B session and 18 per C session) and 7 credits in each summer A/B session. Students may petition to take more than the allotted credits in a given semester by submitting a Credit Overload Petition. Forms should be submitted directly to the student’s academic advisor and must be submitted prior to the start of the session for which the overload is being requested. More information is available at
Interested in pursuing an additional degree? Concurrent degrees, sometimes called “double majors,” allow students to earn two distinct degrees and receive two diplomas, while pursuing their unique personal or professional interests. More information on The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences policies regarding concurrent degrees can be found at
If you no longer plan on attending or completing your classes in a given session (A, B, or C), you can remove all of them from your current schedule by requesting a complete session drop/withdrawal up until the appropriate deadline. Students are strongly encouraged to speak with their academic advisor and review the additional information at before submitting this type of request.
Medical compassionate withdrawal (MCW)
MCW requests are for students who have encountered unforeseen medical or personal circumstances that have affected their academic studies. For more information on the eligibility requirements, process and documentation needed, please visit:
A third-time petition is needed for College of Liberal Arts and Sciences majors who would like to request permission to take a course for a third time. The form should be submitted to the SESE Academic Programs Office at no later than two weeks before the start of the semester.
A probation success plan is required for students who have less than a 2.0 GPA and have a PROBATION notice on their account. The student will need to complete the probation success plan and schedule an appointment to meet with their advisor before any related registration holds are removed.
Tutoring Services:
Career and Professional Development Services:
Counseling Services:
Student Accessibility and Inclusive Learning Services (SAILS):
Health Services:
Pat Tillman Veterans Center:
University Housing:
Student Emergency Fund: