School of Earth and Space Exploration Leadership Team

School of Earth and Space Exploration Leadership Team

Meenakshi Wadhwa


Meenakshi Wadhwa
School Director, Foundation Professor and Regents Professor 

Meenakshi Wadhwa is the Director of the School of Earth and Space Exploration.

Her research focuses on isotope cosmochemistry, in particular the sources and distributions of extinct radionuclides in the solar nebula; the formation and evolution of crust-mantle reservoirs on Earth, Moon and Mars; and the abundance and origin of water and other volatiles on rocky bodies in the solar system.



Ramon Arrowsmith



Ramon Arrowsmith
Deputy Director

Ramon Arrowsmith studies active faults, topography, and the geology of earthquakes. He teaches Field Geology these days and is currently the School of Earth and Space Exploration Deputy Director. 

Chris Groppi

Chris Groppi

Associate Director of Graduate Initiatives

Chris Groppi is an experimental astrophysicist interested in the process of star and planet formation and the evolution and structure of the interstellar medium. His current research focuses on the design and construction of state of the art terahertz receiver systems optimized to detect the light emitted by molecules and atoms in molecular clouds, the birthplace of stars.


Kelin Whipple


Kelin Whipple
Associate Director of Undergraduate Initiatives

Kelin Whipple is a geomorphologist interested in the interactions among climate, topography, and tectonics. His work focuses on developing the capacity to interpret the history of tectonic activity and climate change that is recorded in landforms and associated sedimentary records.

Thomas Sharp


Thomas Sharp
Associate Director of Community Outreach

Thomas Sharp is a geology professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and associate director of the Arizona Space Grant Consortium and runs the NASA/ASU Space Grant Program, which provides fellowships and scholarships to train the next generation of scientists and engineers. Dr. Sharp has been at ASU for more than 20 years, teaching primarily mineralogy, field geology and electron microscopy. His research interests include: impacts and shock metamorphism in meteorites, high-pressure minerals and phase transformations in Earth's mantle and chemical weathering of rocks on Mars.

Christy Till



Christy Till
Associate Director for an Inclusive Community 

Christy Till is a geologist who leads a multidisciplinary research program that studies the role of magma in the formation and evolution of planets, known as the EPIC lab. Her research and that of EPIC lab members includes determining the timescales and triggers for eruptions at active volcanoes in the US, growing minerals and magma in high pressure and temperature laboratory experiments, and studying likely compositions of magma and crusts on exoplanets.