Student Emergency Fund

Student Emergency Fund

The SESE Student Emergency Assistance Fund was established to assist undergraduate and graduate students who encounter critical financial situations. All SESE undergraduate and graduate majors are eligible. Students may reapply, but a maximum of two awards will be awarded to any one individual. 

We are able to provide small awards to help with specific expenses. Below are guidelines and a brief application form. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling weekly basis. Please return applications to Tom Sharp at

Please review the following eligibility criteria; those who do not meet all of the criteria will be reviewed on a case by case basis. Funds will be dispersed through Financial Aid, so in order to be considered you must have a current FAFSA on file if you are a US citizen. Non-US citizens are eligible and do not require a FAFSA.

  • In order to receive funds during the summer, you must be currently enrolled in at least one credit hour. Graduate students employed as an RA or TA during summer meet this requirement. Students who are enrolled for Fall can apply and, if awarded, will receive funds at the beginning of the fall semester.
  • In good academic standing with good academic progress.
  • Have exhausted all financial aid options available. 
  • FAFSA on file. Ensure that this is current, reflecting recent employment status changes for yourself and/or parents if applicable due to the current situation. (Required for US citizens only.)

Some examples (but not all) of critical needs:

  • Housing
  • Food 
  • Clothing
  • Emergency transportation
  • Critical technology for working or studying remotely

Events not covered by the SESE Student Emergency Fund:

  • Chronic debt or sustained financial short-falls
  • Legal fees or fines (garnishments) 
  • Tuition or book fees 
  • Stolen or damaged property 

The SESE Student Emergency Assistance Fund was established to help SESE undergraduate and graduate students in the event of an unexpected emergency. The amount of funds available to distribute can vary and is limited. Not all requests will be funded or funded in full. 

Submit the completed Student Emergency Fund Application to Thomas Sharp at

Download the Student Emergency Fund Application