Public Engagement

Public Engagement

Teach, Learn, Explore at School of Earth and Space Exploration

The Earth and the universe beyond belong to all of us — not just to scientists and researchers. At ASU’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, we are committed to sharing our growing understanding of Earth and space with the community.

We’re here to engage with and help train the next generation of explorers and citizen scientists, and to impart our knowledge to anyone who’s interested in these exciting subjects. Every day at the school, our scientists are learning something new, and we look forward to sharing what we learn with you.


Is there something you’ve always wanted to know about space? Go ahead. Ask us anything.
The sky's the limit... Or is it?

Ask an Earth and Space Scientist


The School has over 30,000 visitors annually to its campus facilities.


Earth and Space Exploration Day, an annual open house featuring 3D Theater shows and dozens of hand-on exhibits, and has over 1,200 attendees annually.


The School has 39 ASU NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Fellows.


More than 30,000 people visit us each year. In addition to field trip opportunities, we welcome families and individuals of all ages to tour our building (Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building IV), to check out our planetarium shows and free lectures, and to visit the Meteorite Gallery, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Science Operations Center and the Mars Space Flight Facility.

Take a Tour

Marston Exploration Theater

The Marston Exploration Theater is located on the ASU Tempe campus in the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building IV. Using Definiti SkySkan Planetarium technology, the theater hosts 3D astronomy shows every Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon. The one-hour presentations explore various topics related to Earth and space exploration.

See a 3D Astronomy Show

Explore Public Engagement

A student displaying items to younger students.

K-12 Field Trips and Tours Program

We offer field trip opportunities for science classes from kindergarten through high school. Available on Tuesdays and Thursdays, our half-day enrichment experience includes a 3D astronomy show, along with a schedule of activities built around small group activities designed to reinforce the spirit of scientific inquiry and exploration.

3D Astronomy

Using Definiti SkySkan Planetarium technology to render Earth and space science themes, the Marston Exploration Theater offers three different one-hour 3D astronomy shows on a rotating schedule. You can purchase individual tickets, or make reservations for a group.

New Discoveries Lectures

The School of Earth and Space Exploration New Discoveries Lecture Series is one way we share our exciting scientific work with the public. Presented by a member of the school faculty in the Marston Exploration Theater, the lectures are free and open to the public.

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